Saturday, June 6, 2015

Cards that tell a story.

Pretty sure this is the first ever card we 'officially' made together. Back in the days before selling cards and getting our name out through various social media sites was even a thought in our minds. Prior to this card, we were that 'second opinion' for each other. We still are. But the ideas and the process of how to design the card are more of a team effort now a days. And we won't lie, we continued to make cards separately for a long time after the making of this card, but we both agree this card was the turning point for us and started the process of getting us where we are today. And the funny part is, the card is cute but it really isn't all that good (at least for our standards) but yet it has so much meaning behind it for us.

We have to mention these couple of cards because of the recipient. These are just a few of MANY cards she has received from us over the years. We have known her for a very long time (way before we started creating cards). She has been a fan since Day One. We have learned many things about creating cards and selling them over the years but one of the most important lessons is knowing your support system. Just like any job, we have our good days and our bad days. Some weeks we just want a break from creating cards. And some cards are harder than others to get the 'creative juices' going. Creating cards mostly is fun for us. But creating cards is a process, sometimes a VERY long, HARD process where we have to move on to a 'Plan B' and so forth with a card. She is one of many who support us by just being a positive and encouraging person that pushes us to keep going. And we don't even think she realizes this funny enough. People like her is what reminds us what we are doing and why.

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