Tuesday, September 1, 2015

New Pictures on our Etsy Shop!

Exciting news!... Well, exciting news for us! We have new pictures of our cards up on our Etsy shop. Like any person new to selling items online and NOT an expert with the camera, this taking great pictures of our cards has been a HUGE learning curve. Who knew taking a picture could be so hard? We cannot tell you how many times we have taken a picture that looked great on our phone or camera. But, as soon as we post it to Etsy and other social media sites, we are always like, 'What were we thinking'?! Now we aren't saying our new pictures are professional level quality but they are certainly a step in the right direction for us.

So what was different this time from ALL the other times? Well, several things. Like all of our other pictures, we used natural light BUT got lucky with the perfect lighting this time. Sometimes in the past we had issues with it being too windy (and therefore blowing our cards away!) or the sun not being in the right spot and therefore created weird shadows.

This time around we also used the 'selective focus' on our smart phone. It's amazing what special features like that will do to change a picture quality. We had used a camera in the past but either we don't fully understand all the features on the camera (which is very possible) or our camera just has better quality. The camera is probably around 10 years old so it is very possible that the smart phone, which is only a year old, has better quality.

Finally, the biggest and best change was...the props we used! We have used the brick of M's home in past pictures but never seemed to find the right item to sit the cards on that created the best light and also showcase the cards to our liking. Yeah, we could always use all black or white background, but that is boring to us. So when we found the wooden stool, we were in heaven! It's the perfect size, shape and height for what we need. Now, the problem. It's not our stool. Our 'unofficial' 3rd member of M&K, and as we always say, the real artist in the family, Bob (yes, that is his real name) had this stool hanging out in his industrial arts shop since he just completed the refinishing on it for a customer of his. K saw this stool when looking for a prop to use and instantly thoughts of our cards. Now, another problem. The stool is an antique and family heirloon, so the stool is definitely NOT FOR SALE. K did a little pity party after learning this. And we know, the things we are willing to do for our cards is a bit extreme, lol. So who knows what the future holds for our pictures and our business for that matter but for present time, it's a win!


New Card...Kind of

Does this card look familiar? Well, it should except for the fact that it is a new card we are selling at our Etsy shop. Huh? Well okay, it's more like a card we overhauled....dramatically. We basically simplified the card and changed it from a 'thank you' card to a 'happy birthday' card. Doesn't it look more like a birthday card? Well, we hope you do and come check it out at our Etsy shop!

See below for what the card looked like in it's previous life. As you can see there is a WHOLE LOT of craziness going on with this card. We usually embrace craziness but this card got to be too much. It just took us a while to admit it.  Important lesson learned with this project is: you can and will go overboard. But then you just fix it.